5 Telegram Channels for Data Science Enthusiast

Mahesh Sanikommu
2 min readAug 22, 2020


Telegram is one of the fastest Growing Messaging apps with over 400 Million Users. An interesting feature of Telegram is you can create a Telegram Channel for Unlimited Audiences.

5 Telegram Channels that worth to join in. Personally, I’m using these Channels for a long time to stay up to date and learn something new in Data Science Field.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

In the end! I will also add some honorable mentions.

1. Data Science by ODS.ai

Telegram Link — 36K Subscribers

This channel talks about the latest concepts or trends in Data Science, AI, Big Data, Machine Learning.

and also it is maintained by OpenDataScience Community

2. Data Science,ML & AI

Telegram Link — 12k Subscribers

This Channel is maintained by the KDnuggets. KDnuggets is one of the popular blog sites for Data Science, Machine Learning, AI.

In this channel, they share some popular blogs from their site and Some Course Recommendation

3. datascienceinfo

Telegram Link — 13k Subscribers

This Channel is my favorite one. Cause it shares some of the difficult concepts with simple Info-graphic pics. You will also find Ebooks, PDFs of some researches. And high recommend you join in this Channel.

4. Data Flair

Telegram Link — 16k Subscribers

This channel is meant to provide the updates on latest cutting-edge technologies like Big Data, Hadoop, Spark, Data Science, Python, R, AI, ML, DL & many more.

Mainly this channel focus on Python and projects on it. Share some of the best Articles on Python, Data Science from their Blog

5. Learn.MachineLearning

Telegram Link — 7k Subscribers

This channel pushes you to learn Machine Learning 100 Days. They send every day what should we learn today with Resources as well. Recently they started Deep Learning as well in the same channel. If want to learn Ml join in this channel.

Some Honorable Mentions


Data Science, ML & AI Nugget Chats

Both of these Channels are for discussions on Data Science, ML, AI. Cause whatever you learn at the end of the day still some questions been unanswered in our mind. This Community Chat group is very useful in Such Cases.

Hope you will learn some useful topic from these Channels.



Mahesh Sanikommu
Mahesh Sanikommu

Written by Mahesh Sanikommu

Full Stack Developer | Internet knows me as MaheshtheDev

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